I heard about the idea of a Day to Read several weeks ago, first from Brillig the Great and then from Novembrance. The creator of the concept is Soccer Mom in Denial. Go ahead and read her post about it here.
I jotted the date on my calendar and have looked forward to it ever since.
I think that technically I'm not supposed to be blogging today . . . but it's early enough in the morning that I wanted to at least tell people about the day and encourage them to read to themselves and to their kids. I have a feeling my preschooler and I will be curled up (yet again) with the book she got for Christmas, Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories, by the amazing Dr. Seuss. (One of my favorites from childhood.) I'll also get in some mommy reading time.
And appropriately enough, I'm speaking at a book club tonight for a group of ladies who read Spires of Stone.
Until then, I'll first do some basic housecleaning (two loads of laundry REALLY need to be sorted; the kids are out of socks) and then I'm going to dive into reading.
Hope you will, too.
Alas, today was dentist day and clean-the-house-so-I-don't-have-an-anxiety-attack-when-someone-knocks-on-the-door day. I'll be a day late, but tomorrow I'm sinking into a new book.
Hope the book group enjoyed Spires of Stone as much as I did!
I love the idea of a day to read--I think it should come once a week!
Oh, I want to hear about the Book Group! And which LMM was your indulgence of choice?
hi annette,
i wish i had read more to our little ones when they were little (teens now, but they both love reading, creative writing, and drawing, so i am glad they enjoy the outlets).
good to hear from you today. thanks for the praise. congrats on your baby niece! and so cool how you get to see your parents visiting from their temple assignment. you must be stoked excited for tomorrow. thanks for telling me they loved the Christmas stockings. if you happened to take a photo of the stockings, please share pic with me. i wish i had taken a pic before mailing them :)
happy Sabbath,
kathleen xoxo
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