Monday, September 26, 2011
Banned Books Week
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
WNW: Grammar as Currency
Monday, September 19, 2011
Author Interview: Abel Keogh
About Abel:
At the age of 26, Abel Keogh unexpectedly found himself a young widower. When he decided to starting dating again, he looked in vain for resources that could help guide him through the dating waters and open his heart to someone else. He found nothing. As he began blogging about his experiences, women dating widowers began emailing him asking for his thoughts on their situations. As the numbers of emails increased, Abel started writing his own dating a widower advice column. In Dating a Widower Abel shares the knowledge he’s learned from his own experience and the most common issues he’s seen from hundreds of emails from women dating widowers.
Abel is also the author of the memoir Room for Two—the story of the year of his life following his late wife’s suicide—and the novel The Third. He and his wife Julianna are the parents of three boys and two girls.
Here's our discussion about Dating a Widower:
AK: I really enjoy the challenge that comes with fiction. Creating new worlds, believable characters, and complex plot is fun but difficult. Non-fiction is easy for me to write. I’m not sure why—maybe it has something to do with my professional background. But being able to write a good novel is an absolute thrill. I’m in awe of those writers who can do it well.
AL: What are some of the differences you’ve found in writing a book of non-fiction versus fiction?
AL: What challenges does self-publishing bring with it? What are the benefits?
AL:What's been the biggest surprise about the self-publishing process?
AL: Which authors are your biggest literary influences in the national market?
AL: Any advice for aspiring authors?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
WNW: Needs Washed. Twitch.
Amy drank milk.Brandon eats candy.
Adjective: Amy drank red.
Amy drank red punch.
Brandon eats washed.
The turkey is cooked.
"The turkey isn't cooked."
The turkey needs . . . WHAT?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Interview & Contest: Josi Kilpack

AL: Any similarities?
JK: This series is not different in regard to developing a character people hopefully care about and a plot that challenges that character to grow. AND, I still manage to work in an issue here and there :-)
AL: What is your typical writing schedule like?
November 1, 2011. Winners will be announced and notified November 3, 2011.
For additional ways to enter (and there are many), visit Josi's website.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
WNW: Grammar Girl Writes

- galaxy (New etymology for me.)
- ironic (Please, please, people! Learn this one and use it correctly.)
- epic (And not just as "epic fail.")
- mandate (I love how its got a history that's the reverse of verbification of nouns.)
- canard (New word for me.)
- ad hominem (A must-know for election years.)
- Romance languages (Before, I could have told you what they are, but I didn't know why until now.)
- ubiquitous (I love a good word joke, and you'll find one here.)
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Self-editing must be in the water . . . last week I posted on the Precision Editing Group blog about how I do it , answering questions from...
People joke that I'm the Grammar Nazi. My critique group says that I know exactly how to use commas (and then they go comatose, and...