Ending the year by looking back at some favorites from the past twelve months:
Top Books
Plain Truth by Jodi Piccoult
This was my first time reading Piccoult. It won't be my last.
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, by Jessica Day George
I read few books this quickly. I loved it, and it inspired me with writing ideas like nothing else has recently.
Top Movie Experiences
I had very few favorite movies produced this year. (I think Black Knight would be up there, but I can't think of many more. Oh, wait. Mama Mia was fun.)
On the other hand, I had a lot of fun movie experiences, particularly with my kids.
-I introduced them to some of my old favorites: Footloose, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, and other "oldies" from when I was young.
-Taking my girls to the theater to see Kung Fu Panda and HSM3, the latter on opening night. I was one popular mommy that day.
Kids' Accomplishments
-D getting onto the school Shakespeare team and taking a trip to Cedar City for the Shakespeare festival.
-S receiving 3 big awards for the N.O.V.A. program, including the overall achievement award, given to only one girl in the entire sixth grade (comprised of several hundred students).
-M going from a girl who likes to dance to a dancer with serious talent.
-A learning to read and ride a bike. Watching her become her own little person.
Personal Achievements
-Drafted and submitted a book that's different from any I've ever done.
-Began drafting another totally different book.
-Co-chaired a writing conference that went off swimmingly.
-Earned more doing freelance and editing work than any other year.
Top Events
-Hands down, the trip hubby and I took to Finland is my biggest and best highlight of the entire year. It'll stay with me forever.
-Second in line is getting my dream office. Yippee!!!
Top New Writing Tool
I have a laptop! With a cool red carrying case! I'll still use my Neo, of course, but holy productivity, Batman! I love my laptop. (Thanks, Honey!)
I'm very grateful for my family (both here and away), for my dear writing friends (who understand me like no one else can . . . and like me anyway) and for the bloggy friends I've met and gotten to know and care for.
I have a feeling that 2009 will only improve on 2008.
Have a happy new year, everyone!
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WOW! You *have* had a great year. And no one is more deserving. Happy 2009!
Yay! What a great year! I'm also looking forward to 2009. Woo hoo!
Here's hoping 2009 is even better.
I hope you have an amazing and successful 2009!
I love your list! I may have to copy it and make it my own. ;)
It sounds like you have had a great year. Good luck for an equally great 2009!
What a great year in review! How exciting to go to Finland and to get a dream office.
I haven't been to the Shakespearean Festival yet. I think it's kind of a requirement if you live in Cedar. Maybe next year...
Some kids in my ward went to the shakespeare festival, too. I heard it was stupendous.
And I of course am a huge picoult fan. I just read The Tenth Circle (and three others) but I really liked that one. There are a lot of references to Dante's Inferno.
Sounds like a wonderful year indeed!
I read my first Picoult this year as well, then quickly read another (neither of which is Plain Truth) and really enjoyed them.
I just finally took my kids to HSM3 yesterday. I do not get the mommy of the year award for that one. :)
~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009~ Thanks for being such a sweet friend to me! L♥ve Ya L♥ts! (((HUGS))) :) Shauna
You were amazing this year, what a rap. With that kind of momentum I'll bet 2009 will be even better for you.
It's only going to get better for you, Annette. You are worth every success. I'm so happy for you!
happy new year!
love the list.
Big congrats on the laptop, they are wonderful!! Be sure to back-up, back-up, back-up. Great recap!
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?????
Oh, how I lOOOOVE that movie!!!
And Jodi Picoult...She's one of my faves, even if I don't always agree with the views in the books, she's an incredibly talented writer. The most recent I read was My Sister's Keeper and I really enjoyed it, just sayin.
Happy New Year!
Sounds like you had a wonderful year! Congratulations on the personal accomplishments. ---And yay for Footloose :-) --- Wishing you an even better year in 2009!
A trip to Finland? How awesome is that?
And I'm a tad envious of the laptop. Ok, very envious, but very happy for you!
I hope 2009 is great for you, too!
Happy New Year!
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