When my grammar book, There, Their, They're: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd, Tristi was the very first person to order it from the site. Her copy arrived yesterday, and then she posted one of the coolest things ever. Go check it out. It brought me much joy, even if the first paragraph is entirely fictional.
One piece of very good news for people wanting to order online:
My husband created a new e-store where you can get the book for about half the shipping costs as the "real" site. Instead of four or five dollars for shipping (on an eight-and-change dollar book, hello), it's only two bucks for shipping on our new site.
The site is called Lyfe Books. Since it uses PayPal, you can leave a note saying whether you want your copy autographed and/or what inscription you want in it.
The other cool post was yesterday, when I received a bloggy award from In Time Out at by the hair of my chinny chin chin:

Here's the purpose and instructions for the NENO'S Award:
*a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* to seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
* put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
* don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
Thanks so much! I'm honored!
So why do I love blogging?
I have always loved writing, and this is a great outlet for that. While my first love is writing novels and always will be, there's something intimate and immediate about blogging that you can't get anywhere else.
But possibly the best part is the friendships I've made--what a totally unexpected but wonderful thing! Some of them I've never met in person, but I consider them dear friends anyway. Blogging is truly an amazing thing.
I'm passing the award to:
Is it Just Me? A blogger who never fails to make me laugh and lift my day. Her Friday Flair posts are one of my favorite parts of my weeks.
Alison Wonderland Few people keep it as real as she does. She's made me laugh and cry. She's awesome.
Jordan McCollum A fellow word nerd. Need I say more?
Regarding Annie A great writer about motherhood, wifehood, and life in general. She's also a weekly newspaper columnist.
Summer's Nook A mom and a wife . . . and a survivor. She writes about some painful times with her health with such intense honesty that I can't help but stand in awe.
Happy Meets Crazy One of the first bloggers I met in real life, and she's downright awesome. She's got one funny personality, and she's very open about her struggles with things like depression . . . something I can relate to all too well.
Temporary? Insanity If you've read her blog for any length of time, you know why she's listed here. 'Nough said.
Novembrance One of my dearest bloggy friends. I doubt I'd be blogging as I am without her influence. (Her cookbook is now available! Go buy it!)
I could go on and on with a gigantic list, but I'll stop there.
(Remember, you can order There, Their, They're with far less shipping at Lyfe Books! Thanks again for the mention, Tristi! You rock!)
Hi! I just tried to order the book and the Buy Now button won't do anything. I'll try again later!
Yay! Congrats! I need to still order your book.
Blogging is indeed awesome! It's a unique form of writing, and it's kind of nice having a place you can publish stuff without worrying about more than basic self-editing.
- Chas
You are awesome! And I want a copy of your book. I'm ordering . . . right . . . now!
okay I lied. buy it now didn't work for me either! Help!
Congratulations on your award and the fabulous posts! I ordered your book at storymakers already but I'm getting Luisa's cookbook!
Julie, I've heard the same thing from a couple of people. I'll have my IT guy (Mr. Husband!) see what the problem is when he gets home.
I have the book coming!!! I'm so excited. No more will I struggle with grammar. Okay, the struggle part is a lie, but I'm still excited.
Congratulations on your sweet award! I agree with Chas, Blogging is awesome. =)
I was at Sam's Club today, and saw your book, it made me smile! I was thinking, "hey I know her"!
Thanks Annette! Your kind words made my day.
I think it's great that you have the book on a site that offers fair shipping. Congrats on the bloggy award. It's a good one!
Awwww! Really? Thank you so much. You're the best.
Tristi is the coolest.
I have to order your new book for my boys. I'm hoping they'll listen to you, since they are growing deaf to the pleas of La Fascista.
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