Happy, happy day, one that's been about two years in the making (something I didn't realize until I checked some old e-mails), but it's finally here!
Lost Without You, which has been out of print for several years, is back, baby! Digitally, that is. E-readers can now download it from Amazon and read it on the Kindle or any device that supports Kindle software (they have apps for PC, iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, and more).
If there's a need for it, I'll pull some strings with my technology department (read: husband who loves me) to get it onto other platforms.
You'll find a badge on my sidebar to buy it from and another link on my website. Or search Amazon for it (be sure to search for the KINDLE edition, because the Kindle version isn't listed on the print edition's page).
In the process of getting the book ready, I decided to go back and do some editing on it. I hadn't looked the book at all in years. (I don't read my books after they're published; I can't do it.)
I found myself noticing repetitive wording, awkward sentences, and even a random point of view shift or two. And then I started having fun . . .
Oooh, having Pat say another line here would be funny. So I added dialogue. I changed parts that leaned toward telling and made them more showing. I caught a couple of inconsistencies (thanks to Lara, I fixed the part where Greg's dimple switches cheeks).
It was fun to see sections that are somewhat outdated (Brooke listens to cassette tapes in her car and ABBA isn't a commonly known music group because Mama Mia hadn't come out yet). But I didn't change the plot. For that matter, it was awesome to find out that I still liked the story after all these years, while at the same time being able to see that I've grown as a writer and know how to make it better.
The final version turned out to be some 9,000 words longer than the original. Ahem. So the "edit" morphed into an expansion/rewrite. I think the extra words improved the whole, and I'm thrilled with the final result.
The timing wasn't intentional, but I find it rather cool:
Exactly eight years to the month after the original release of Lost Without You in July of 2002, the e-reader version is here. (HERE!)
(You can even download a FREE sample.)
Congrats, Annette! That is awesome. Best wishes for you on this re-release.
So you've made me believe I need to get the Kindle version now to see what sort of changes you were up to! Congrats!!!!!
That's very exciting! One of these days, I'm going to get an e-reader.
Yay - one more reason to need a Kindle... because if I just borrow it from my neighbor I'll have to put up with antiquated references to cassette tapes :)
So awesome! If only I was cool enough to own a kindle... or iphone. I have it on my "to buy" book list, and now I will feel a little jipped reading the original version instead of your new edited version... oh well, serves me right for being outdated. ;)
I've made it my summer mission to learn all I can about e-publishing. I see it as a great vehicle for my kind of writing.
And I recently read a book you might be acquainted with. It's about this girl whose fiance is killed by an indian and then all this other stuff happens and she ends up with this awesome guy and suchlike. There's a picture of the St. George temple on the cover. Can't remember off hand who wrote it.
Tee hee!
Apparently now I need to reread the book ... but first I need to get some fun "E" device to read it on :) !! Congrats! I am sure you are floating on air!
I was just thinking this morning, "Wonder what Annette's been up to..." since your blogging presence has been a little less than normal. Um, summer and what not, and revising an entire book? That totally counts as busy, I guess!
Awesome! The whole e-book thing is exploding and I am watching to see where it goes. In the meantime, I'll read your book on my iPad! :)
I'll definitely check that out on my Kindle!
LOVED reading it again!
I love that you ended up making it better. Just another reminder that we can always improve upon our work, whatever it is! Onward and upward, right?
I can't wait to read it again.
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