A lot of people tell me they aren't writers. And in the sense of writing for publication, maybe they aren't. But then they say they "can't" write, and I want to blow a raspberry at them and say that yes, they can too write.
Everyone should write, if nothing else than to experience the power of the written word and of creating the written word for yourself and your family. That doesn't mean it's up to you to write the Great American Novel or anything like that.
It can mean blogging. Journaling. Family history. It can also mean writing a personal history.
About a year ago, I attended the funeral of my aunt Eleanor, my father's older sister. As I listened to her daughter, my cousin Becky, relate Aunt Eleanor's life sketch, I couldn't help but think about the day (many, many years hence, I hope) when my father passes. I sat there thinking that I didn't know the kinds of stories about my dad that Becky was telling about her mother. And I wanted to know them.
Afterward, I told my dad that he needed to write his personal history. He replied, "I already have." (And then I cheered.)
A few months later, he let me read it. I've known lots about my father. I've heard him tell many stories about his life. But those 60 single-spaced pages told me so much more. I laughed a lot. Many times, I cried. And when I finished, I felt that I knew my father so much better--and my grandmother, grandfather, aunts and uncles--in ways I never had before and couldn't in any other way.
All of this is why I was excited to hear about a new conference about this very thing. It'll be in March up in Salt Lake City.
If you're even remotely inclined to write and record and save . . . or to learn how to find records from relatives who have already passed on . . . you'll want to attend.
The Power of Story @ Home conference is March 9-10, 2012. It's sponsored by Cherish Bound, Family Search, and the Casual Bloggers Community.
You can find workshops on blogging, oral history, traditional storytelling, and getting your own stories put someplace permanent. You can dip your toes into genealogy and writing your own history or the story of your family.
Tickets are $79 for the full event, or you can pay for one day ($49). Either way it's a great price. You can already register HERE.
I'm going to the conference. I hope you will too.
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What a great event. And I am going to go over to the site right now!
what an awesome idea... I'm going to have to see if I can squeeze it in (March is notoriously insane around our house - I usually do at least 6 birthday cakes that month)
Great idea. Maybe I'll make it this year :-)
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