Yippee for book giveaways, and an extra hooray for ones that coincide with Christmas!
I'm part of the Holiday Blog Hop, which runs from December 15 - December 25. Visit The Holiday Blog Hop to find the rest of the participating blogs (and so you can win more ebooks!).
Extra bonus: The winners from each participating blog will be put together, and one of them will be randomly chosen to win a Kindle Fire. (I recently got to see the Kindle my mother-in-law owns. Didn't get to use it, as my kids were all over it. It's very cool.)
SO: Enter any of the giveaways participating, including mine, and if you win, you'll have an extra shot at the grand prize.
Due to personal writing and editing deadlines (and thing like, oh, family and Christmas), this will be my last post until after the hop is over and I announce the winner.
My giveaway will be very simple:
The winner will receive a copy of all three of my e-novels:
PLUS an e-copy of my grammar guide, There, Their, They're: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd. (The e-version is more comprehensive and up-to-date than the print version, so booyah.)
Note: The 3 novels are available in formats other than .mobi (Kindle), but to date, the grammar book is only in .mobi. Apologies if the winner doesn't use Kindle; they'll miss out on that book.
As I did during my last giveaway, I'm not going to make people jump through lots of hoops. I like doing giveaways to thank my followers.
So that's all you need to do:
1) Be a follower (either on my blog through Google Friend Connect) or on Twitter.
2) Leave a comment on this post telling me that you're a follower (and which way).
That's it!
The fine print:
Entrants must be 18 years old, and I must be able to contact the winner, either via an email address left in a comment, or via a Blogger profile link. If the winner does not contact me to claim their prize within 48 hours, it's forfeit.
Merry Christmas, and happy reading!
I'm a follower on Google Friend Connect. And I hope I win!
I am a follower!!
Merry Christmas!!
I am a GFC follower: Amy Stogner
Pretty sure I follow you in both places, here and on twitter. :)
I follow your blog.
I follow you on Twitter!
Go ahead and enter into as many of these as you can. While you are searching come on over to my blog at Free Book Reviews
Come on over to my Blog and send me a link to your book so that I can include it in my Free Book Reviews Forum.
I follow you here!
I follow your blog. (Never tweeted in my life). But I adore your books!
I am a blog follower!
I follow on GTFC and am looking forward to trying out your books.
deanna_boocock @ hotmail.com
Following through google friend connect as either the name listed or a_breen87, it likes to change it to mess with my head.
I'm a follower through twitter and google... do I get bonus points? On twitter @jkimmelf :0)
Happy Holidays!
GFC: books4me
Thank you for the giveaway!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
Hi Annette, it's wonderful discovering new authors.
Good luck with those deadlines and have fun with your family during the holidays!
I am a new Follower through GFC!
Following on Twitter now because I love books and following authors :) Thanks!
I'm a follower! (Verging on being a stalker…) :)
Im following you on twitter :) mine is under #melinalove101
i follow this blog but i don't have a twitter and i don't have a blog either but i hope ill still get to be entered.
I'm a follower on GFC
Thanks for the giveaway
robinribbit@ gmail . com
That was simple! Thanks for the chance to win.
GFC Follower - Rae M.
Following GFC- Kelley Johnsen
kelleynutrition at gmail dot com
Dropping by to say hello! And also to become a followers and win!!
I follow you! Which way? Pick one. And I like winning things for my wife. So obviously, this is a cool thing to do.
You KNOW I'm a follower! Twitter baby! @fried_madness
Just became a gfc follower (Ruth). Thanks!
i follow you on twitter :)
yankeedragon4 at gmail dotcom
Thank you so much for the giveaway. I hope you have a joyous and safe holiday season.
GFC follow as seriousreader
Twitter follow as @BookOwner
Facebook like as Linda Henderson
seriousreader at live dot com
I follow on twitter as tynapier1
teressaoliver at gmail dot com
I follow on Twitter and Linked In. Email is J.eldard@comcast.net.
I am a follower on GFC: dawnmomoffour and twitter dawnmomoffour
TY for the giveaway!
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour
Thank you for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!
gfc- shadow_kohler
Great giveaway!
GFC- Krysta Banco
I'm following on tweeter.
Pamela Jo
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