All I can say about the last little while is holy busy, Batman!
(I may be channeling a lot of Batman lately, as my husband and I went to see Dark Knight Rises over the weekend . . .)
I swear, someone has a demented time turner and has put my life on fast forward. (How in the world have I reached the point where my son has to look at college and scholarship applications? Impossible, I tell you!)
This post is to help keep my readers in the loop on the fun (and not Mom's freaking out again) stuff going on in the writing arena of my life.
Introducing Timeless Romance Anthologies
I feel so fortunate to be part of this awesome project! Heather B. Moore, Sarah M. Eden, and I have begun something uber cool: anthologies of Romance stories. Each volume will have SIX stories focused on a specific theme, and we'll hand pick three other writers to contribute to each volume, and you can expect three anthologies a year.
The first volume, what we're calling our "Winter Collection," is full of historical Romance stories that take place, yep, in the winter. (See? It's up in time for the holidays! Awesome stocking-stuffer! *cough-cough*)
(Also: Isn't the cover so pretty?!)
Our guest writers this time: Heidi Ashworth, Joyce DiPastena, and Donna Hatch.
The historical stories span the medieval period all the way to 1901 New York City, and each one is a great read. (It was no accident that we picked Heidi, Joyce, and Donna; we know they'd come up with something wonderful!)
The e-book anthology is up for purchase TODAY! Get it on Kindle HERE or in other e-book formats on Smashwords HERE, for the whopping price (haha!) of $3.99.
ATHENA Launch: A Month Early in ONE Store Only
Join me, Julie Wright, and Heather, author of the fourth Newport Ladies book Athena, this Saturday at the Fort Union Deseret Book during their Ladies Night event from 6-8PM.
This is the only store that will have Athena available for sale until it hits stores officially in November. So come get it before anyone else! There will be giveaways, other authors and artists, and food. Come!
ATHENA Spread-the-Word Contest
Help us let others know about Saturday's book signing, especially that long-anticipated Athena will be available for Fort Union customers!
Tweet about it, Facebook it, mention it on Google +, blog about it . . . and have a shot at entering one of several awesome prizes.
For details, visit THIS POST on the Newport Ladies blog.
While you're there, check out the awesome review (link in the sidebar) that Paige got from The Deseret News!
Joyce DiPastena is holding a giveaways right now in honor of the anthology's release.
Phew. I think I covered all the big stuff for this week!
In the meantime, go download the anthology, curl up with a cup of cocoa, and enjoy six awesome stories!
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Sweet! I can't wait to be invited to write in the anthology. I'm gonna anxiously wait for my personal email invitation from all 3 of you. I know it's coming. *twiddles thumb in anticipation*
In all seriousness, I'm excited for all the things you all have been doing lately and am impressed with how much writing and promoting you can fit in with being a mom.
Oh friend, I haven't been over in awhile. I am virtually holding your hand through the whole college process. Love is pain.
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