Tagged again, this time with lists of fours:
Four Jobs I've had:
WordPerfect Beta Tester
HPRC/PE Secretary at BYU
R&D for Write Express
Assistant Director, Utah Chocolate Show
Four Places I've Lived:
Helsinki, Finland
Spanish Fork
American Fork
Four Favorite TV Shows:
Frasier (back in the day)
Pretender (ditto)
Four Favorite Foods:
-Karjalan Piirakoita (a Finnish holy cow yummy single-serving savory "pie" that looks sort of like a football. Made with rye dough outside and rice cooked in milk on the inside. Especially good with egg butter and sliced tomatoes on top.)
-Beef Strogonoff
-Fazer Blue milk chocolate bar (from—you guessed it—Finland)
-Chicken Parmesan
Four Websites I Frequent:
Meriam-Webster online
My Library's website
Utah History Encyclopedia
(Man, I'm such a nerd . . .)
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
Getting a massage
Helsinki (to see Mom & Dad and visit all my old haunts)
On a writer's retreat somewhere beautiful
In the high Uintahs on a week-long hike
Four Movies I Love:
A Knight's Tale
Philadelphia Story
Strictly Ballroom
Four Bloggers I Tag Next:
I'll try to tag people I haven't tagged before . . .
Lu Ann Staheli
Janette Rallison
Alison Palmer
Tamra Norton
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Amazon's famous Prime Day events are huge for so many reasons, and for bookworms, it's even better: books aren't high-ticket ite...

When the young 'uns were tiny, having dinner table conversation didn't really happen. I often felt like the mom in The Christmas Sto...
Self-editing must be in the water . . . last week I posted on the Precision Editing Group blog about how I do it , answering questions from...
People joke that I'm the Grammar Nazi. My critique group says that I know exactly how to use commas (and then they go comatose, and...
Hahaha. I love it--Provo, AF, SF, and Finland???
This was lots of fun to read through! And now I feel like watching Strictly Ballroom...
Strictly Ballroom is such a fun movie. I haven't seen it in forever!
I loved Pretender! And all those movies!
Now I want some stroganoff.
Getting a massage -- add a facial to that I'm there.
Love the Philadelphia Story. It is one of my favorite movies.
Beef Stroganoff -- guess what we're having for dinner?
Thanks for doing this Annette. It was great to learn more about you.
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