My next book, titled Tower of Strength, has been accepted for publication and will be released next spring.
My fourth temple-related book, it's set in 1884 Manti, a few years before the temple there was complete. Much of the story centers around events (both real and fictional) that took place in and around the city's Temple Hill.
I love the title they picked; Tower of Strength can refer to both the temple (the towers are under construction during the story) as well as the heroine. Tabitha really is a tower of strength, and that plays a huge role in the story.
This book has been an interesting ride. I loved uncovering the story and characters. I struggled with some of the research. I laughed. I cried.
And in the end, I'm excited for my readers to meet Tabitha Chadwick and get to know her for the strong woman she is . . . even if they have to wait almost a year before meeting her!

Congratulations, Annette! That's awesome!
I am looking forward to reading it! Congrats!
Boy, with that long a wait, I'm doubly glad that I've already read the book in critque. Fans will not be disappointed.
Whooo-hoooo! Congratulations! What a thrill for you!
I have to wait a whole year!?! I'm sure it will be worth it. Congratulations.
Wow--great news!!! You are rockin' girl! :)
Yay! I'm so excited for you! Too bad we have to wait so long!
I can't wait!! Congratulations!
Congrats. Rod and I got married in Manti, so I can't wait to read the book.
Just a quick stop by to say I read Spires of Stone this weekend and I loved it. I think I just might go blow bunches of money on your other books now. I love historical fiction.
Well done.
Great news!
Hee hee...I told Dedee she'd love Spires of Stone! Can't wait for this next book, and I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations. I love the title, too! Two home runs :)
Yeah!! I'm excited to read it.
Fabulous! I can't wait!
Thanks, everyone! I've had a ton of readers want one about Manti because it's "their" temple,so I'm glad there will finally be one for them.
Dedee--YIPPEE! Thanks for the note. If you do blow bunches of money, I hope you enjoy the others!
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