Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Yarn Thing I Do

I'm mentally working on a new meme from my buddy Jenna, but while I sort that out, here's the latest from my preschooler.

She noted my knitting on the floor by the couch and asked, "How do you start knittling? I mean, before you've knittled a whole bunch, how do you get it on the knittling needles?"

Then yesterday she declared that one of her girl cousins is cute, "But I'm cuter."

Ya know, it's hard to argue with that. She is dang cute.


Anonymous said...

My personal favorite quote from your dang cute preschooler occurred one afternoon when she had accompanied my kids and me to Costco.
As we walked past a display of fresh flowers she indignantly yet wistfully declared, "I wasn't even AT my mom's wedding!!"

Luisa Perkins said...

SO funny!


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