Saturday I had a ball going to a bloggy lunch hosted by KristinaP. I was amazed at how many women were there. One brave husband showed up to boot.
It was such a ball putting names (and blog titles) to faces, and I must admit, there were plenty of blogs I hadn't heard of before (but now have to check out, of course).
There were a couple of bloggers I knew but almost didn't connect with. Like right at the end as a few of us were chatting before walking out of the restaurant, I asked one woman I hadn't spoken to what her name was.
"Of . . .?" I asked.
She knew what I meant: What's your blog?
"Soggy Cheerios."
"That Amber?! I'm Annette Lyon!"
"No way!'
We both squealed and then chatted like old buds. (According to Amber, I look tall in my avatar picture. Even with the 3-inch heel boots I was wearing, I was much shorter than she expected. I love random stuff like that.)
This kind of reunion happened several times, like when I stumbled on Jill from Thou Shalt Not Whine. After my squeal, I immediately had to discuss her son Max's singing of Journey's "Lights." Listen to it. It's worth every second.
I also got to meet Sher, Erin, Author Bee, Tink, Shauna, Kathy, Susette, Jo, Wendy, Bonnie, and even the famous Boob Nazi. And of course, Kristina herself, who (naturally) brought along her Snuggie. (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone I met. Check out Kristina's list of who attended.)
The lunch lasted nearly three hours, and there was much talkage in the land.
I feel a bit cool because I'm on Kristina's blog in two pictures. The first is almost like "Where's Waldo," because all you can see is (barely) my face.
One minor problem with attending this kind of lunch: you meet new people who are fascinating . . . and now you want to check out their blogs (as if my Google Reader isn't already bursting at the seams).
It was a ball, and I'm glad I went. I just wish I would have had more time to talk with Sherrie.
Thanks for putting it together, Kristina!
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How totally fun! I wish I could have been there--more of this kind of thing to come in April, though.
I'm so jealous! I really wish that I could've gone. I'm glad you had a good time!
So fun! Wish I could have gotten away to go up. Maybe next time.
And, since I'm fairly tall, when I only know someone from pictures I always, ALWAYS assume they are the same height as I am. I am usually shocked at how short people are.
Except when I met Erin....she's the first one to be taller than I imagined, as she's a good 2 inches taller than me. :)
Hey Annette, it was good meeting you Saturday! I will continue blogstalking with pride.
It just looked fantastic. So glad everyone could go and have so much fun.
Lunch was awesome! We should do it again for sure :)
I've been told that people assume I'm shorter than I am. But you do look taller in your picture!
It was great to finally meet you!
Amelia! Duh! I KNEW I'd forget to mention someone!
OH MY...totally wish I could've been there dang it all...I haven't been able to get my laptop since my husband needs it for "school" as if!
I'm jealous, wish I was there!
Sounds like a great time! I hope I get to do that someday.
And now, I'm trying to picture you as not tall.
It was good to finally meet you! I'm sorry we didn't get more of a chance to talk. I was sitting with Julie the Boob Nazi. You understand. :)
I'm a litle peeved that I couldn't make it. I'll plan better next time.
I had a chance to say hello to you but that was it. I'll be blog stalking! It was a great lunch.
Annette, I felt privileged to be sitting at the table with you and putting a face with a bloggy name. It was fun getting to know you and Kathy--two people I haven't visited before! I look forward to many more of your posts! I'm impressed with your many writing talents! I will be checking out your books in the future! You go girl!
Tink, It was so great to sit at the same table as you and chat it up--and put a face to the blog. Looking forward to getting to know you better!
I'm so jealous, it sounds like it was so much fun. I'm glad you got to go. loved the pics on Kristina's blog.
Me too! I wanted to talk to you so much more! I wish we'd gotten the chance. We'll have to get together again, maybe with less people next time!
What an honor to sit with you. I feel like I know all sorts of celebrities now :) Good food and fun friends, what more could a girl want?
I so agree Annette -- I wanted to sit down with each person individually and have a real "chat". I feel like all I got was a finger through the icing of that huge cake I wanted to devour. But hopefuly I'll get to know you all better through your blogs. Can't you just see us all in heaven walking around with name tags---I'm Lyons Tale---just so we'll be able to reconnect right away. Otherwise, I'm not going.
It was soooo awesome! I am still thinking about it to make myself smile and feel all giggly and happy inside.
P.S. Did I mention I got to have lunch with Max a few weeks ago? He is 10 times cuter in real life.
Wait. You're not tall? I totally pictured you as tall.
Maybe next time I will actually get there. I hope its sooner rather than later.
I am incredibly jealous!!
And I thought you were tall, too!
I wonder why that is?
It was great to finally meet you!
And you do look taller in your picture;0)
It was so fun to meet you! I wish we would have had more time to talk.
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