Almost exactly a month ago, I promised a fun giveaway, and I'm not about to disappoint.
Accent Furniture approached me with the chance to review one of their products and give one away to one of my readers.
Knowing that the vast majority of my blog readers spend a lot of time at their computers (being avid bloggers, writers, and readers themselves), I decided immediately that I'd pick something in the home office section of their website.
As I browsed, I landed on something that made me grin. I wanted one, and I had a sneaking suspicion that just about all my readers would like a shot at getting one too.
I told the company what it was. They shipped mine to me, and I've been trying it out for the last week.
Behold, The Balt Rolax Ergonimic Footrest:

Here's how it went down: my kids were almost more excited than I was to see the box. One opened it with scissors while another ran to get a Phillip's head screwdriver (the one tool we needed to assemble the footrest).
The main footrest part (the gray portion in the center) comes fully assembled. What you put together is the frame the footrest, well, rests on. It comes in four parts, metal rods, that are easily put together with a screw and a washer, each of which is conveniently already attached to one of the rods so the screws aren't flying around the box or in some little plastic baggie. I appreciated that. I just had to unscrew them a bit, fit the pieces together, and screw them back together.
The instructions actually made assembly look harder than it really was. Once I figured out how the pieces went together, I just tossed the paper aside and got the Phillip's head going. Four screws and washers later, we were done. We placed the foot rest on top of the frame just like the picture showed, and we were in business.
The really cool part is that the footrest is not stuck in one position. As you adjust how you're sitting, it rolls and rocks with you, moving forward or back on the frame.
The middle section, of course, is my favorite part; I can give myself a foot rub any time of the day.
For someone with chronic headaches, it's awesome. There are times I'll purposely find a pressure point on my foot and just let one of the balls dig into it. I find having the foot rest there, even when I'm not using the massage section, really relaxing, especially after hours at the computer.
We have a new rule in the house now: the kids can use it (while sitting, hello . . . one daughter tried standing on it. It's strong enough that it didn't break, but sheesh, girl!), but only while wearing socks. I don't need their smelly foot germs on my new footrest, thanks! The kids regularly take it away from my desk and use it while reading on the couch.
Final verdict: Thumbs up from not just from me, but from the whole Lyon clan!
Let's get the word out! (Okay, and yes, shameless promotion here. I admit it.)
For EACH additional way of getting entries, LEAVE A COMMENT so I know you did it and can give you credit for it.
1) FIRST entry: Simply leave a comment. That's it. Preferably saying I rock or something flattering. But whatever. Even "I was here" is enough. Be sure I can contact you. If your e-mail is not enabled in your profile, I suggest you include your e-mail address in your comment in case you win.
2) TWO MORE entries: Facebook it by mentioning the giveaway in your status. (Come back and comment to say so.)
3) TWO MORE entries Tweet it. In your comment, leave your tweet's URL
(HOW: After you tweet it, click right under your avatar where it says how long ago you put up the new status, "5 seconds ago" or whatever. It'll take you to the URL page. Copy that URL and paste it into your comment.)
4) THREE MORE entries: mention the giveaway on your blog.
(In your comment, leave the post's permalink where you mentioned it. That's the POST'S actual link, not your blog's general link.)
Total possible entries: EIGHT!
Contest closes SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. (That gives you 7 days.)
The winner will be announced a week from today, Monday, November 16th. If the winner doesn't claim the prize in 24 hours, a new winner will be selected randomly.
Have fun and good luck!
(Ooooh, my foot rest feels good . . .)
Wow! I really could use this now since I am attempting Nano this year. I feel like I hardly ever get up from my desk. (Well, minor details like feeding the kids.)
I want to win. I'm off to tell EVERYONE about it! YEAH! Thanks Annette!
Facebooked it. Give me 2 more entries now. I'm up to three. YEAH!
I'm off to twitter now.:)
That's my twitter info.
I love my feet to be comfortable.
5 entries thus far. I guess I'm off to talk about this on my blog. (With 101 followers by the way.)
It's 'cause I rock, right? Everyone loves me.
I would love this! and of course I love reading your blog!!
I facebooked it!
This would make the foot massages Adam gives me so much more pleasant for him.
You rock for sure :) !! And I would love to try this out to get rid of my ever present headaches.
Facebook sharing complete :) !!
Fun, Annette! You're awesome!!!
There's my blogger link. I blogged about it. :)
That's everything. Except you haven't drawn my name. better choose my number that I left a comment on. That's all I'm sayin. Okay?
Can I give you all of my entries in one comment? BTW, yes Annette, you rock! ;)
Let's see, entry one: make a comment, check
entry two and three: I facebooked it, check
entry four and five: it's on twitter , check
entries six, seven and eight: it's on my blog! , check! :)
Thanks! I hope I win! :)(although I bet Andy doesn't hope I win cause then I may just spend that much MORE time on the computer! hahaha!)
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!! And of course, you rock. :)
That sounds awesome! I've been at my computer WAY too much, lately and it's going to keep up (taking a class) for a while. I loved the bit about your kids needing socks!!!
I love, I adore, I want to be you when I grow up. Does that count as a comment? ;)
Facebooked it, too!
I don't often participate in giveaways but I seriously want this thing! I have plantar fasciitis in BOTH feet and this little number would allow me to multi-task!
And I just blogged about it, too!
ooh, ooh! Pick me!
Thanks for the chance to win, Annette.
Oh, honey, you totally rock. I could really, really use this!
What a great give away!!! I've never seen one of those before!
If I don't win, I might have to buy it for myself.
Annette, you're so nice! Unfortunately, I can't figure out Tweeter. Or is it Twitter? Whatever. *sigh*
Annette, you know I love ya. And if you don't, I LOVE YA! And I'm not just sucking up for a footrest. =]
My dogs are salivating, is that possible? Wendy
You rock! You're an awesome writer! You're the grammar queen! I wanna win! :)
I facebooked your contest and tweeted
You rock. May I please have a foot rest?
I {heart} you, you are amazing, give away or not. Your comment today on my blog was helpful and informative. Thank you. The time you take to help other smallish beginningish writers {like myself} is a selfless act, a kind act. One that I'm so grateful for! SWAK!
PS: Ergonimic Footrest? Loveliness!
Now that's what I'm talking about! :) I hope I win!
Just Facebooked it! More entries please.... I want this one!!
Okay its on my blog!
More entries plz!!! :)
That looks so awesome!! I can almost feel it on my feet right now
and of course YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!
and being's that I live in Canada and all------am I disqualified.
is there boarder restrictions-----I could give my win to my daughter in Utah.
and did I mention YOU TOTALLY ROCK
I blogged it.
(Do I need to tell you this 2 more times?)
I was here!
Facebooked done!
Food rest and massage :) Love it!
taralyn.parker at
That looks fab! And you're fabulous!
I tweeted #1
I tweeted #2
I love you. Simply put. and I've thought a lot about you and heather these last few days and just wanting to know how much I wish you were with us.
I'm a fan, and would love the foot rest. That's one!)
I've posted about you on my blog.
(That's two, three, and four!)
I've also mentioned it on facebook (That's five and six!)
my email address is:
lisanhunsaker at
Okay, I love your blog and your books. That's one.
I facebooked it. That's two.
I tweeted it at . That's 2 more I think.
Total 5. Pretty please?
I blogged it. Even though it's really late. Three more entries make 8. You're awesome! See my blog entry at
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