- Hail? Really, Mother Nature? On April 5th? Grrrr.
- Got my Whitney ballot turned in over the weekend! Can't wait to see the award results. (Also: Readers, be sure to nominate your favorite LDS-authored books of 2010 for next year's awards!)
- The TwHistory re-enactment of the Mormon Pioneer Trek is LIVE! Check out the media buzz it's already getting on KSL and the Deseret News!
- To follow the trek, go to THIS PAGE on Twitter and follow all of the historical figures listed there. There's a Twitter LIST with them HERE.
- (What the heck is the re-enactment, you say? Check out the home page HERE.)
- Getting the new TV paid off is a sure-fire way to ensure that an old TV will experience a sudden and permanent death.
- Using some of my husband's own work with the new Family Search, Mobile Tree has created an iPhone app. TODAY ONLY, they're offering it for FREE. It's their LDS General Conference special.
- Thanks to everyone who came to my signing last Saturday and made it so great!
- Heffalump from I Blog About Nothing reviewed Band of Sisters and talks up Flat Daddy HERE.
- Thursday evening, I'll be holing up with my computer and my fictional characters for a 4-hour write-a-thon sponsored by Precision Editing Group. Be sure to participate for a chance to win prizes! (Details on this post. Read the comments for answers to reader questions.)
- Submitted my last syllabus page for my LDStorymakers conference workshops . . . only two weeks late (ahem . . .). Can't believe we're less than three weeks out! Squee!
- Photo shoot #5 for Chocolate Never Faileth was today. Two more, and they'll be wrapped up!
- And finally, note to self: Next year, buy Easter candy that you do not like. This will prevent you from eating "just one" left over chocolate . . . twenty times a day.
Monday, April 05, 2010
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You have been busy!
Really, what's the fun of buying candy you don't like? :) I'm just hoping my hips won't show how much candy I ate over the weekend. Three weeks until the conference? I'm so excited all ready, I'm hardly sleeping!
I just turned in my syllabus page too. Thanks for helping me not feel so guilty about my tardiness :) And I am excited about all your projects Chocolat4e never faileth is sure to be a hit and band of sisters is awesome!
Less than three weeks until the conference? Yikes, I have so much to do! =)
Oh my gosh! There's so many good things here, but I'm all for buying candy you don't like.
Good job turning in the syllabus. I'm terrified the conference is so close. I'm so not ready.
And yes, April 5 should be hail-free. And it would be nice if the wind stopped howling too.
I think TwHistory is AWESOME! I'm off to follow it!
I'm checking out that write-a-thon. Congrats on the photo shoot, book signing, and the syllabus being turned in! Can't wait for the 23rd!
Lots going on.
(There exists non-desirable Easter candy?)(I fell off the wagon this weekend.)(Back on today.)
I hear ya on the Easter candy. We're in the midst of detox and it's not pretty. And if it's not Easter candy it's something else--like that sleeve of Thin Mints calling to me from the freezer.
Totally on board with you on the Easter candy thing. Yikes!
And, so excited there are less than 3 weeks until LDStorymakers!!! Can't wait.
I'm trying REALLY HARD not to be bitter that it's snowing for the third time in 5 days right now.
I have a similar rule about baking. Stick with snickerdoodles and other non-chocolate treats when you bake, because you can resist them. I never, ever follow that rule.
Oh, your list makes me tired and inspired at the same time.
I'm following TwHistory and looking forward to the adventure!
May I revise slightly?
SNOW? Mother nature? on the 5th of April?
So done.
A bit of advice on the Easter candy: Freeze it. That way, when you get the cravings, the candy will be rock hard and nearly inedible until it thaws, by which time you might have eaten some good-for-you fruit, yogurt, carrot sticks, while waiting. (Like *I* know this?!)
Oh, I missed the title somehow. BRILLIANT!
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